Solomon Success » Podcast

Rabbi Evan Moffic is here today to discuss 5 ways you can make yourself happier. Money and happiness are related, but not the same thing. There's also a difference between pleasure and happiness. One is fleeting, the other lasting. The best way to get wealth is to meet other people's needs, but how do you spend your money to make you happier? Listen in as Rabbi Moffic explores just that in today's episode.


Direct download: SS_132_Happier.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:44pm EDT

In the previous episode Rabbi Evan Moffic explored whether it was a sin to be wealthy. Today, he examines four reasons you, as a believer, should WANT to be wealthy. Remember, money is neither good nor bad, it's what you do with it that truly matters.


Direct download: SS_131_4_Reaons.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:54pm EDT

Rabbi Moffic discusses four reasons that you really want to be wealthy in our society today. It's not for the reasons many people want to be wealthy, it's not about status and buying things to give us status among other people. In fact, the desire for wealth can push us to constantly get better at what we do; the pursuit and attainment of wealth can change our self-perception. Being wealthy opens us up to the ability to give and serve so many more people than we could if we weren't aspiring to greater heights.


Direct download: SS_131_4_Reasons.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:30pm EDT

Rabbi Moffic explores the question of whether it's a sin to be rich. Many in today's society equate being wealthy with sin in our society. But, in reality, how we use money reflects our innermost values. Part of building wealth is solving problems. People that see money as a sin think of money as a scarce resource, that if we have some then they can't have any.Money is not a goal in itself, it's a means to a higher goal, which is service.


Direct download: SS_130_Rich_Sin.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:11pm EDT

Rabbi Evan Moffic discusses one of his favorite passages from Ecclesiastes and the 5 things it teaches us about managing risk. Risk is everywhere in life, even when it's minimal. As people, it's important to think long term, because what we're doing right now determines our future. We should look to create multiple streams of income to prepare us for whatever eventualities come our way, as well as focus on small, consistent, patient actions to get us where we want to go.


Direct download: SS_129_Risk.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:33pm EDT

Rabbi Evan Moffic examines 6 of the reasons that King Solomon was able to amass as much as he was able during his life. They're all things that we ourselves can utilize to make our lives better. We all need to keep our focus in a distracted world in order to allow us to discover what our unique advantage is. It's also important to figure out how we can get things done through other people, while also identifying what we should say yes to and what we should say no to.


Direct download: SS_128_Solomon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Rabbi Moffic takes today's show to discuss Joshua, the successor of Moses, and the three things he is told by God that are still applicable today. In some degree, we are all successors of those that came before us. In the bible God's advice to Joshua, to never let the bible part from his lips, to meditate on it day and night, and to be careful to do all that is in it, teach him to be the leader that he's meant to be. We can use that advice from God to teach us the habits we need in our daily lives so that we stay consistent with what is important to us. Listen to Rabbi Evan Moffic as he explains how advice given so many thousands of years ago is still crucial to our lives today.


Direct download: SS_127_Joshua.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:40pm EDT

Rabbi Evan Moffic takes today's show to discuss 5 ways we should be using language in today's world based on what the bible tells us. One small tweak in our language can change our mindset. Rabbi Moffic explains how the story of the Rabbi and the feather pillow shows us the importance of language, as well as 5 tips for how you can use language to improve your life as well as others.


Direct download: SS_126_5_Tips.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:04pm EDT

Rabbi Evan Moffic spends today's show discussing what the bible tells us about how to treat immigrants. In today's world we have a contrast between our manmade laws and the biblical laws that are laid out for us in regards to immigration. The bible tells us to respect borders, but it also discusses the importance of treating all people as creations of God. Listen in as Rabbi Moffic explains how we can make the two differing laws work in today's world.


Direct download: SS_125_Immigration.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:53am EDT

Rabbi Evan Moffic speaks today about the importance of putting time on your side, which investing in income property can do for you. Just because you're getting older doesn't mean that there's not still time. In fact, many of the heroes in the Old Testament have their greatest moments late in life. Studies have shown us that our happiness really starts to increase after we reach 60. As you get older you start to realize that we're stewards to younger generations.


Direct download: SS_124_Time.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Rabbi Evan Moffic leads the show today discussing key numbers that appear in the bible. There's a common thread in many aspects of our lives. Numbers, or multiples of a number, that keep appearing that leads to a significance. Rabbi Moffic explores which numbers are significant in the bible and why they are important both for us as believers and us as humans.

Key Takeaways:

[2:32] Numbers are how we keep score and reveal the truth

[7:23] We can give numbers to almost everything to help us understand them

[8:54] 7 is a key number in the bible

[12:41] Another key number is 3

[15:33] Why 4 is significant in the bible

[17:40] 10 gives us a good way of organizing our minds


Direct download: SS_123_Biblical_Numbers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:54am EDT

Rabbi Evan Moffic leads the show today discussing how a comic strip creator can teach us things about ourselves that the bible tries to show us and that can help us in our investing. Many of us have certain beliefs in what kind of people we are and how we react in various situations, but they don't hold true. Rabbi Moffic explains how we can set our lives in a way that we can respond in ways that are consistent with our beliefs, not just in an instictual lashing out.

Key Takeaways:

[5:51] We think we're rational and understanding of our situation, but we're wrong, and the bible understands that

[8:53] The best investors have systems and rules in place to prevent their emotions from taking over

[13:07] Fear is an enormously powerful motivator

[17:31] We don't have any literal slaves in the United States anymore, but many of us are slaves to something in our lives, whether it's our job, our possessions or something else

[22:58] Have a system/philosophy rather than a goal


Direct download: SS_122_Dilbert.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:23pm EDT

Today's topic is anger. Rabbi Evan Moffic presents 5 practices that we can use to deal with our anger. The danger with anger is we lose control, we respond in a way that we regret and closes the door on future interactions on the matter. Listen in as Rabbi Moffic explains how Solomon deal with these issues, both in good and bad ways, and learn how to productively handle your angry moments.

Key Takeaways:

[2:37] We are a society that thrives on anger

[6:21] We can't always control our feeling of anger, but we can control what we do with it

[9:26] Dealing with anger involves getting outside the prism of "I"

[14:02] It's critical to remember that our perspective isn't the only one

[18:38] The most important part of dealing with your anger is not losing yourself when it first springs up


Direct download: SS_121_Anger.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:38pm EDT

Guest host Evan Moffic takes today to discuss the importance of the sabbath. In today's rush, rush, rush society, it's too easy to never step back and appreciate everything that we have.

Key Takeaways:

[3:15] The secret to getting things done is to take a full day off every week

[7:22] Productivity increases more when rest is involved

[8:30] The 1st step to find our sense of sabbath purpose

[12:51] It's important to read and study, as well as sharing a meal with friends and family

[18:56] Make sure you remember why we want success


Direct download: SS_120_Evan_Moffic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:14am EDT

Rabbi Evan Moffic takes today's episode to discuss what we can learn about real estate from one of the first real estate magnates in the world, Joseph.

Key Takeaways:

[2:11] People are constantly looking for guidance

[5:05] Joseph may have been one of the first to recognize the 7 year economic cycle

[7:56] We need to use our gifts for good

[10:04] In times of trouble you have to focus on how to get through them


Direct download: SS_119_Joseph.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:46pm EDT

New co-host Rabbi Evan Moffic takes today's show to teach you how King Solomon saw the world and what he taught us in his writings in the bible. He also dissects what stops us from taking the action we know we need to do, what God tells us about that, and how we work through our fears.

Key Takeaways:

[4:24] Who was King Solomon?

[7:44] You can't achieve anything without making mistakes

[11:08] What do we fear?

[15:00] Stay true to your core principles

[16:50] Wealth comes from giving

[20:21] We find meaning and satisfaction through creating and doing


Direct download: SS_118_Evan_Moffic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:33pm EDT

Jason Hartman talks with Rabbi Evan Moffic, author of The Happiness Prayer: Ancient Jewish Wisdom for the Best Way to Live Today. The two discuss why the bible actually promotes wealth (and what we should DO with that wealth), as well as what gives people true happiness.

Key Takeaways:

[3:30] Human beings are creators, and if you don't get to create you don't usually feel fulfilled

[6:03] Pleasure and happiness are two completely different things

[10:51] Plant a tree whose shade you will never sit under

[13:38] When you're feeling sad the best thing you can do is do something nice for someone else

[17:23] The bible is a pro-wealth product that teaches us to use our wealth to serve others


Direct download: SS_117_Evan_Moffic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:06pm EDT

Jason Hartman talks with John Milkovich, Louisiana State Senator of the 38th District and author of the new book Robert Mueller: Errand Boy for the New World Order, about the dark past of Robert Mueller and why he seems to have so much credibility today despite that.

After discussing Mueller the two veer into what Senator Milkovich is working on in Louisiana in regards to abortion legislation, and ways that the state can combat juvenile crime.

Key Takeaways:

[1:59] Why does Mueller have such credibility?

[4:45] What is Mueller's motivation?

[9:59] Senator John Milkovich worked on the fetal heart beat bill in Louisiana

[15:27] How much can Trump fight the Deep State?

[17:50] Louisiana needs to embrace nature and nurture when it comes to children and crime


Direct download: SS_116_John_Milkovich.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:54pm EDT

Jason Hartman talks with attorney Daniel Buttafuoco, author of the book Consider the Evidence: A Trial Lawyer Examines Eyewitness Testimony in Defense of the Reliability of the New Testament, about why we can believe what we read in the bible and how he believes there's enough evidence to prove the Christian faith.

Key Takeaways:

[3:15] How the New Testmanet is evidence to the reliability of the bible

[5:50] The evidence that's available for the more supernatural part of faith

[10:33] People ask the wrong question about people with religion

[13:02] One piece of evidence that the resurrection is a true story


Direct download: SS_115_Daniel_Buttafuoco.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:01pm EDT